Supporting program

9:00 - 09:15

Greetings for the
Rainbow Day

Prof. Dr. Michael Huth
Vice President for: Strategic Organizational and Quality Development
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

Where: Lecture hall building ground floor foyer

9:15 - 09:30

Dr. Nargess Eskandari-Grünberg
Mayor and Head of the Department for Diversity, Anti-Discrimination and Social Cohesion
City of Frankfurt am Main

Where: Lecture hall building ground floor foyer

9:40 - 10:10 a.m.

Company presentation

Smooth as an eel or quite yourself?- Living diversity as a management consultant:in
(Florian Hehz, Consultant and member of our internal LGBT*IQ network SCOUT / Seong-Un Yoon, Senior Specialist Talent Development)
Campana & Schott

Where: Casino (1st floor, room 1.802)

10:20 - 10:50 a.m.

Company presentation

Welcome, just as you are!
(Fiona Briscoe, Project Manager Group Audit, Strategy & Transformation and spokesperson ARCO, Commerzbank's Pride Network /
Heiko Alexander Nenast,
Human Resources, Diversity & Inclusion Specialist)

Where: Casino (1st floor, room 1.802)

11:00 - 11:30 a.m.

Company presentation

We live diversity - Diversity in the International Federation
(Dirk Altbürger, Corporate Communications Central Management)
IB Southwest gGmbh

Where: Casino (1st floor, room 1.802)

11:40 - 12:10 p.m.


Queering Diversity: Diversity in Higher Education and the Workplace.
(Dr. Mayte Zimmermann, scientific director of the CGC)
Cornelia Goethe Center

Where: Casino (1st floor, room 1.802)

12:20 - 12:50 p.m.

Company presentation

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at American Express:
Find Your Place With Us!

(Andreas Krick, Marketing Director)
American Express

Where: Casino (1st floor, room 1.802)

13:30 - 15:00

Round table (panel)

Equal Opportunities in Application Processes and the Workplace: LGBTIQ* Community & Allyship.

Moderation: Pavlo Stroblja
(LinkedIn Top-Voice, Social Entrepreneur, Founder & CEO
of Queermentor gGmbH)

- Ben Boi Beetz
(Senior Associate Corporate, Baker McKenzie)
- Andreas G. Chiocchetti
(Professor of Translational Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,
Goethe University)
- Christian Wichmann
(Expertise Lead Brand Experience, ING)
- Gönni Landsmann | Rosa Vogler
(University Group Rosa*Liste)
- Dr. Anna Svea Fischer
(Professor of Business Informatics, Munich University of Applied Sciences)

Where: Casino (1st floor, room 1.801)

15:10 - 15:40


LGBT*IQ in the Workplace
(Enea Cocco, Speaker & Project Lead)
PROUT AT WORK-Foundation

Where: Casino (1st floor, room 1.802)

15:50 - 16:20

Company presentation

Diversity at McDermott Will & Emery
(Dr. Jan Lorenzen, Associate)
McDermott Will & Emery

Where: Casino (1st floor, room 1.802)